3 tips on building self confidence + my WHY

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Coaching changes lives.
From your own, to your family’s, and to those you help.
It’s about making a difference, living a healthier lifestyle, setting goals, achieving those goals, and paying it forward.

So now it’s time for me to Pay it Forward. I’ve struggled in the past with finding my niche and because of that feel that I’ve often delivered ‘sub par’ content on this beautiful blog. But today I am proud to stand before you with this new and exciting blog dedicated to Family, Fitness, Health and of course, fashion. And what better way to kick if off than with some of the valuable lessons I’ve learned as a coach,
about love and self confidence.

There have been a few instances in my coaching career where I’ve had the opportunity to deal with objections. People politely saying ‘no thank you, I don’t want your help’ or just flat out telling me that what I’m doing is silly and won’t amount to much. In those moments I find my strength in a few different places:

First and foremost, I find strength in my Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
Second, I find strength in my family and their love and support.
And third I find strength in knowing who I am and what I stand for.

I stand for love, laughter, health and longevity.
I genuinely want to show love and support to others all the time and help build people up in a world that is trying to tear us all down. I try to be a light and a joy to be around and to do so I must work on myself every single day; my mental, physical and spiritual health. I choose to honor those things that I stand for by placing them first and foremost in the font of my mind each and every day, and I choose not to dishonor these things by participating in activities that would detract from my goals and steer me off-course. I shy away even from scary movies or activities that remove the Spirit from the room, so that I might continually be that light and joy to others.

Often, when we try to build ourselves up we go looking for the ‘quick fix’. But my darlings I am here to tell you that there is no quick fix for self confidence. But there IS a simple way to LEARN self confidence. It’s a skill, and just like any skill it can be learned if you choose to.

The first step in learning self confidence is to know who you are and what you stand for.
As I demonstrated above, having a mission statement for yourself is key in knowing what you’re doing day to day and where you’re headed. Write it down, and keep it in a place that you will see it every day. Make it your phone’s wallpaper if that is the thing you stare at the most – but it needs to be first and foremost in your mind at all times, and in all things, and in all places.

The second step is often the one we fight the most.
And that’s to tackle your fears and make that big change you’ve been too scared to make.
Often this can be directly tied to our physical appearance.
Loosing weight and fitting into those ‘skinny’ pants can be such a huge boost to our confidence.
Other times it’s tackling a fear – like a fear of heights or fear of failure. Jumping off of the tallest building in Vegas or finally starting that business you’ve always dreamed of. If those are your fears, face them. Honor those fears by acknowledging them and moving past them. Stop allowing them to hold you back and you will feel as though you can move mountains, because you can!

I like to save this one for last, because it’s the best piece of the pie. The third step to building self confidence is to, stop worrying about what others think about you and start worrying about how you make others feel.
The truly confident person in any room isn’t the loud and boisterous individual, or the really pretty or dashing person.
In fact, those are most likely the least confident people in the room.
The truly confident person is the one making eye contact with everyone, is inviting the shy girl in the corner to come join the conversation or is going out of their way to make someone else feel more comfortable in the room. They are taking care of others and in doing so are generating a persona of ‘being well known’ or ‘part of the crowd’. They seem to just ‘fit in’, and do you know why? Because they aren’t waiting for anyone else to make them feel important; they are making others feel important!

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I pray that we all step outside today with a little more confidence and help spread some joy in this world.


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