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Join the team - SF Fit Mom - Kelly Westover

You know those moments in life when you’ve found the best burrito restaurant or the most comfortable bra and you just can’t keep those things a secret any longer?! You just have to go out there and shout your findings to the world and share them with all of your friends and your friends friends?!? That’s what I have going on right now. I’ve found something so amazing that I just want to shout it from the rooftops!

I’ve found a corner of my home where I can workout in 30  minutes or less and carve my twin mama body back into a size 4. I’ve found the healthiest meal of the day for less than the price of that amazing burrito. I’ve found a way to grow and expand my skills beyond anything I ever imagined before. And I do it all… on my phone! Or my iPad, or my computer. But I do it wherever I am, whenever I have time for it. Because it’s mine. It’s done in the time that I choose to give it and the place that I choose to do it in. And I’m my own boss!

It’s coaching.

It changes lives. From your own, to your family’s, and to those you help. It’s about making a difference, living a healthier lifestyle, setting goals, achieving those goals, and paying it forward. And that’s what I want to do now. I want to pay this gift forward.

If you want all of these things too then come coach with me. I’ll give you all the tools and training to set you up for success from the start. All you have to do it stick with it.
Are you up for the challenge?

Click on the photo above to apply.


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