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Love Yourself More - kellywestover.com

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I started this blog to help document my journey as a new mom, and the difficulties I faced while trying to find the balance in my life. Somewhere along the way this little space became a community and a platform for not only my thoughts but yours as we all tumble through motherhood and tried to keep ourselves centered amidst the tides of life. I’ve made plenty of mistakes with this little space, one of which was trying to monetize it-as so many of us stay-at-home women who want to help support the family from a monetary stand point-do. And most recently I’ve neglected this little space because I somehow viewed it as a time hog, and maybe I’d even allowed it to become that.

But today, as I rode home on my commuter shuttle and read the words of our modern day Prophet and Church leaders in the Ensign, I felt very strongly the need to keep up this little space. It was perhaps the message titled ‘Keeping A Journal Your Way‘ that planted the bud, and somewhere between that headline and the article titled ‘Leading Like The Savior‘ that I felt the need to dust off my Journal-of-sorts and start anew.

One thing I would love to share right now is my work-out journey. You see, I went back to work full-time about 10 months ago, and with that I became much more stagnant than I have been in years. A desk job doesn’t exactly require heavy lifting and long walks, like being the mother of Quinn + Twins does. Couple that with the 2-3 (some times 3+) Dr. Pepper’s I was consuming on an almost daily basis and I had become very… ‘squishy’.

I have a natural athletic build, so to see my body with curves and feel my body bulging in places it hadn’t previously bulged was very unsettling. But I didn’t know what to do with my busy schedule to help get me out of my stagnant state. Until. My friend messaged me-seemingly randomly-one day and asked if I wanted to be part of her ‘fitness accountability group’. That sounded fantastic! So I responded with a ‘yes, tell me more’ and the next thing I knew I had purchased the PiYO workout series and was signed up with an accountability group that started the day my order was to arrive.

It’s now been a week and half, and I have to admit that I have SO much more energy than I did 1.5 weeks ago, and my ‘squishiness’ is toning up quite nicely. The group has been very energetic and inspiring. I love seeing other women who are wanting to change come together to bolster each other and push one another along. I’m not trying to sell you on anything except for the fact that it is very important we, as busy mom’s or busy wives, or busy men and women, remember to carve out a little bit of our busy schedule for ourselves. I’ll tell you what I posted on the group wall just the other day:

As women, wives, mothers, daughters, employers, employees, whatever walk of life we are in it is sometimes too easy to give our love to everyone around us and forget to give some for ourselves.

I want you to remember ladies that it is OK to love yourself more. It is OK to love all of you all the time.
It does not make you arrogant, it does not make you self centered, it makes you worth it.

Remember that you are worthy of your love too.
You ARE worth it.

I love you all so very dearly, and wanted you to know that.
I’ll be seeing you around.
Just love,
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