strength in a moment of weakness

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I love the book series The Great and Terrible, for many reasons, one being the way the adversary and his minions are portrayed. The writer does an excellent job of showcasing them as spiritual entities who are literally hovering over your shoulders trying to drag you down and make you feel worthless. That’s the mental image I create when I have a moment of weakness. Some unhappy soul hovering over my shoulder trying to make me feel weak. Whispering lies and all manner of unhappy thoughts into my ears. Trying to drag me down to his level of misery.

I had one of those moments tonight. I sat on my sofa and cried while I thought of all the trials I am being faced with at this moment – NICU visits, C-section healing, packing, possibly un-packing…. I wanted to sit there and cry until it hurt. Drain my eyes of all their fluids and just ‘let it all out’. But it was in that moment that I pictured some unhappy soul standing there gloating, so instead I stood up, looked him straight in his non-eyes and ‘told’ him to leave. I told him I was stronger than him, that I was stronger than what he was telling me I was, and that he needed to get the you-know-what out of my house. And then I said a little prayer and thanked God for loaning me his strength, and his shoulder to lean on.


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